2 part workshop masterclass starting on 9th October and ending on 10th October, dedicated to honouring the festival of Lakshmi and her legacy to the earth at this time.
As we come into the 5th dimensional energy structure of the earth, we are tasked to step into the abundance of the new paradigm. Every person has been challenged to transcend the current lack and poverty consciousness on the planet and to return and reunite with our inherent worth and value.
The Goddess Lakshmi is preparing you to answer these pressing questions:
What can the Law of Attraction bring in for you now?
Why are the soul's deepest desires now attracting new situations?
What soul power have you ignored that has limited your abundance and choices in life?
The 10 Laws of Lakshmi will be energetically transmitted to you during this masterclass, as mantra and sacred geometry code, as well as through oral transmission. These are laws that will be integrated into your energy field, that you will practice and put to use after the workshop, through exercises provided during these sessions.
Master Manifestors, let Goddess Lakshmi blow open your limits to financial consciousness. Experience the golden gateways to the Flow of the Universe through your life.
This is a masterclass that deals with lack, poverty consciousness, greed, hoarding and all forms of denial of our innate abundance.
Further Training after this masterclass:
Once energies have been integrated, successful applicants to our upcoming 5D Business Programme, Vessel, will be accepted. This will be a higher level teaching by Lakshmi for those who have successfully completed this masterclass. This will be by invitation and application only.
Each workshop on the 9th and 10th will last around 2 hours, although as they are channelled workshops, they can run over time as the energy powers up and expands.
If time is an issue for you, replays are available to watch at your conveience, and you may simply log off the call when you need to.
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